August 24, 2019 3 min read


There are several reasons why our dog can become sick. Dog health problems range from infections to cancers. All our dogs require regular medical attention to treat minor ailments. Understanding some common dog illnesses and diseases are some of the simple steps to keep our dogs healthy and minimize the incidence of issues like these. In addition, seeing your vet regularly for wellness exams can help you discover health problems before they get out of control. There are many health issues that can affect dogs and below are among the most common.

1. Poisoning or Toxicity

Most dogs are food-driven and often curious, so it comes as no surprise that they are susceptible to toxicity or poisoning. Toxins comes in many forms and they are often ingested. Household items, medications, plants and even some foods can also poison your dog. It is important to find out what possible dangers exist in your dog’s environment. 

2. Arthritis

Defined as inflammation of a joint or multiple joint in the body, the most common form of arthritis in dog is osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease. Osteoarthritis usually occurs on senior dogs, but it may also be an effect of old injuries. Talk to your veterinarian about the options if you suspect your dog to have osteoarthritis.

3. Over-weight / Obesity

One of the fastest growing health problems seen in dogs is obesity. It is also one of the most preventable health problems. Obesity can lead to several series health issues like diabetes, hearth diseases and even orthopedic problems. Through proper diet and exercise, obesity can be prevented or reversed.

4. Dental health problem

Serious and often overlooked health concern for dogs is periodontal disease. Bad breath shouldn’t be considered normal in dogs because it is a sign of dental disease. Tartar and plaques in your dog’s mouth harbor dangerous bacteria which can cause damage to their teeth and gums. Those bacteria can also enter the bloodstream and lead to other serious issues in the body such as heart disease and kidney failure.

5. Parasites

In your dog’s world, parasites are everywhere. They can be external parasites like fleas and ticks, or internal parasites like heartworms and intestinal worms. There are several ways to prevent parasites from attacking your dog such as monthly preventive treatments.

6. Diarrhea

Diarrhea, which may also accompany with vomiting is one of the most common medical issues with dogs. Causes of diarrhea are similar to those of vomiting and while one or two episodes of diarrhea is not an emergency, ongoing diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Bring your dog to the nearest veterinary clinic if diarrhea persist or if it accompanies vomiting and/or lethargy.

7. Vomiting

A dog can develop vomiting for many reasons and while you don’t need to rush the emergency clinic every time your dog throws up, it is also not something you should always ignore. The cause of vomiting can be as simple as dietary indiscretion but it can also be a sign of, toxicity, gastrointestinal blockage or other serious diseases. If your dog keeps vomiting, you should bring him to your trusted veterinary.

8. UTI or Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary issues is another common medical issue in dogs. It can really be frustrating to deal with a dog who is peeing in the house. Many dog owners chalk it up to behavioral issues and lack of training. However, your dog may have urinary tract infection. Some signs of urinary tract infections include inappropriate urination, excessive urination, increased in thirst and lethargy. If you’ve seen your dog with these signs, it might be best to bring your dog to the vet so the urine can be checked for infection.

9.  Ear Infections

Often caused dogs to scratch their ears and shake their heads, ear infections are one of the most common medical issues in dogs. It can be itchy, painful and it can also lead to other medical issues if left untreated. Bring your dog to the vet if your dog is exhibiting signs of an ear infection for more than a day or two. Ear infections also sometimes accompany skin issues. In addition, they may also be related to allergies. You can also prevent ear infections by routinely cleaning your dog’s ears.

10. Skin Issues

A variety of skin issues can be experienced by dogs. Typical signs of skin issues in dogs are itching and scratching. Your dog skin may also appear red, inflamed, flaky, scaly or otherwise abnormal. There are also several reasons a dog may develop skin problems which includes allergies and parasites. See your veterinarian if your dog is constantly scratching or chewing or if the skin appears abnormal.

