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National Check the Chip Day: Ensuring Pet Safety and Peace of Mind

August 15, 2024 3 min read

National Check the Chip Day: Ensuring Pet Safety and Peace of Mind

Every year on August 15th, pet owners across the United States celebrate National Check the Chip Day. This important day serves as a reminder of the significance of microchipping pets and keeping their registration information up-to-date. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) established this day to emphasize the crucial role microchips play in reuniting lost pets with their families.

The Importance of Microchipping

Microchipping is a simple, safe, and effective way to ensure pets can be identified if they become lost. A microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, is implanted under the pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. Each microchip contains a unique identification number that can be read by a scanner. This ID number is linked to the owner’s contact information in a pet recovery database.

Unlike collars and tags, which can break or be removed, microchips provide a permanent form of identification. They greatly increase the chances of reuniting lost pets with their owners. According to the AVMA, dogs with microchips are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners, while cats are more than twenty times as likely.

Checking and Updating Microchip Information

Microchips are only effective if the contact information linked to them is accurate and up-to-date. This is where National Check the Chip Day comes in. It encourages pet owners to take a few simple steps to ensure their pets' safety:

  1. Verify the Microchip: If you’re unsure whether your pet has a microchip, visit your veterinarian or a local animal shelter. They can scan your pet and confirm the presence of a microchip.

  2. Update Contact Information: Log in to the microchip registry where your pet’s information is stored. Make sure your contact details, including phone numbers and address, are current. If you’ve moved or changed your phone number, update the information immediately.

  3. Register the Microchip: If you’ve recently adopted a pet, check if the microchip is registered in your name. Sometimes, previous owners or shelters may not update the registry. Register the microchip to ensure you’re listed as the primary contact.

  4. Keep Records Handy: Maintain a record of your pet’s microchip number and the registry’s contact information. This will be useful if you need to update information or if your pet goes missing.

How to Observe National Check the Chip Day

Observing National Check the Chip Day is easy and can make a significant difference in ensuring your pet’s safety. Here are a few ways to participate:

  • Schedule a Vet Appointment: Take your pet to the veterinarian for a microchip scan and ensure the chip is functioning correctly.
  • Update Information Online: Visit the website of your pet’s microchip registry and verify that all contact information is up-to-date.
  • Spread the Word: Share the importance of microchipping and updating information with fellow pet owners. Use social media to raise awareness about National Check the Chip Day.
  • Get Involved: Volunteer at local animal shelters or pet adoption events. Help educate others about the benefits of microchipping and how to keep their pets safe.

National Check the Chip Day is a vital reminder of the importance of microchipping pets and maintaining current contact information. By taking a few simple steps, pet owners can ensure their beloved animals have a much better chance of being reunited if they ever become lost. Celebrate this day by checking your pet’s microchip information and encouraging others to do the same. Together, we can help keep our furry friends safe and secure.
